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Expert shares natural solutions to prevent spiders from creeping into your home

Aug 13, 2023

With spider season fast approaching, many arachnophobes will be searching around in terror for ways to keep these widely feared eight-legged creatures at bay - and there's one natural ingredient in particular that works like a charm

While many of us have a nostalgic fondness for cosy autumnal nights at home, others can't help but shudder as the leaves begin to fall, with a terror that has nothing whatsoever to do with Halloween. For arachnophobes, autumn means one thing and one thing only: spider season.

Luckily, there's no need to live in a state of constant fear of long-legged, hairy intruders in your own home, with an expert advising that one natural ingredient, in particular, should keep even the boldest of spiders at bay. Of course, it's best to act sooner rather than later, so make sure you stock up before any eight-legged visitors start laying their eggs.

As August comes to a close, and mating season begins, experts from have advised arachnophobes to make sure they have a bit of lavender in the house - an all-natural ingredient that is anything but relaxing for spiders. These experts have advised: "Spiders can't stand lavender and won't want to be near the smell. A lavender-scented essential oil can do the trick as the aroma will spread around the home."

According to guidance given on the website Bugstips, spiders aren't keen at all on strong smells, lavender being one of them. Lavender is understood to contain compounds such as linalool and linalyl acetate, which are said to have repellent properties. If you're not too keen on the scent yourself, there are also a number of other ingredients that will stop spiders getting too comfy in your living room, including mint and peppermint oil.

Nic Shacklock from said: "The mere thought of spiders entering millions of homes sends shivers down our spines. Spider mating season comes into full swing at the end of August through to September which means many of us could be facing an infestation.

"No one wants spiders crawling around their homes so there are a few things you can do to keep them at bay. For example, spiders hate the smell of lavender and mint so it's worth giving these scents a spritz around your home. It's also important to seal up any holes in the home they could potentially crawl through. Preventative measures like this are best for keeping these eight-legged insects out!"

Do you have a top tip for keeping spiders away? Email us at [email protected]

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